Embedding Movement and Motor Skills in Math!

Are you wanting to promote more movement and practice of gross and fine motor skills within the classroom? Are you looking for more ways to collaborate with and support your teachers?

Embed movement and motor skills in Math! Amy starts this course with multiple research supporting Math with physical activities that you can share with teachers to get buy-in. She will show you over 50 activities to incorporate movement when learning numbers, equations, spatial sense, counting, measurement, estimation, patterns, comparison, time, calendar and graphs. You will learn how the same activities can also be part of your home activity programs.

Yes, you can do 2 things (or even more) at the same time with these great ideas from Amy! Closed Captioned in English! 

BONUS TOOLKIT: Embedding Movement and Motor Skills in Math Activities; Embedding Movement in Math Advocacy Sheet

Click here for the agenda, objectives and CE approval info for this webinar.

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