Embedding PT Services in General Education Classrooms

Do you feel “less of a therapist” and more of a distraction when you embed your services into the classroom? This seminar will demonstrate via case vignettes and videos ways to seamlessly embed your PT expertise into various pre-k and elementary school routines and activities. Karen will discuss strategies to overcome obstacles such as the selection of appropriate class opportunities, getting buy-ins from classroom staff and managing your schedule. Participants will leave with multiple ideas, as well as the confidence to apply their PT expertise from assessing students’ needs and goals, to improving students’ functional skills in the real-world setting of the classroom. 

BONUS VIDEO & Practical Toolkit: During these times of uncertainties of embedding in the classroom, Karen created an extra 25-minute video with suggestions and strategies of delivering services while keeping ourselves and our students safe. Downloadable graphics are also available for this purpose.

Click here for the agenda, objectives, and CE approval info for this webinar.

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