Jump-Start Their Futures!
This session equips participants to contribute to a smooth transition from school to adult life. This approach emphasizes collaboration with all team members, best practices and practical strategies to improve student function throughout the school day, as well as assessing and developing skills needed for work, further education and adult life. A growing, critical responsibility of our practice is efficiently gathering and employing data to improve transition, establish meaningful, attainable goals and identify if a related service is needed for support. We will explore various aspects to transition, how to prepare/invest school time for each and most critically, how student data should shape priorities for transitions. Planning in advance is the key element for success and we will discuss reasonable ways to accomplish this.
Closed Captioned in English.
BONUS: PRACTICAL TOOLKIT - Resources; Checklists: ADLs; Graphics: Promoting Successful Transition
Click here for the agenda, objectives, and CE approval info for this webinar.